Presidential Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Folder 14 Mrs. Perry_Photographs_Group Photos File
Folder 02 Ed Duffee, Jr._Correspondences File 1973-1977
Item 01 Artifacts_Presidential Inauguration-Glass Ashtray Item October 11, 1969
Item 02 Artifacts_Presidential Inauguration-Glass Ashtray Item October 11, 1969
Item 03 Artifacts_Resolution Honoring Dr. Benjamin L. Perry, Jr.-Wooden Frame Item October 28, 1970
004 Application for Fidelity Bond Item
005 Previous Employment Item
003 Statement of Account Item June 30, 1974
Folder 03 Administrative Records_Itineraries File 1964-1975
001 Travel Itinerary for Dr. B. L. Perry, Jr Item June 7-8, 1974