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              1 Descripción archivística resultados para Sermons

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              Reverend Elvis W. Spearman Collection
              Meek-Eaton Archival Collection MS_0017 · Colección · 1934 - 1967

              This collection consists of the personal papers and sermons of Rev. Elvis W. Spearman, who served as Florida A&M University's postmaster from 19 until his retirement in 1964, and as the FAMU hospital chaplain 1955 to 1964. Rev. Spearman earned an A.B. degree from lega College, and did additional study at FAMU, the University of Chicago, and Deering Community Center.

              The materials in this collection were mainly speeches delivered by Rev. Spearman. Most of the speeches are undated. A small amount of materials were from Rev. Spearman's administrative duties at Florida A&M University.

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