Arthur L. Kidd Collection

Identity elements

Reference code

Meek-Eaton Archival Collection MS_0013

Name and location of repository

Level of description



Arthur L. Kidd Collection


  • 1934 - 1967 (Creation)


2 Linear Feet

Name of creator

Biographical history

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

This collection consists of personal papers from Florida A&M University’s Arthur L. Kidd. Kidd, a native of Pennsylvania, earned a B.A. degree in 1924 from the University of Michigan, and in 1929, a Masters of Arts degree from Columbia University. Kidd also did additional studying at the University of Iowa, Columbia University, and New York University. He began his teaching career at Tuskegee Institute in 1924 before accepting a position at Florida A&M College (FAMCEE) in 1925 as Principal of the High School. Kidd worked at FAMCEE until 1944. During his nineteen years of service to the college, Kidd worked in numerous positions, including: Head of the Department of History, Acting Director of the Extension Division, Acting Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences and College Registrar. In October 1944, Kidd left his position at FAMCEE to work with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, where he worked in various capacities in Washington, D.C., and abroad in locations including France, Germany, and Holland. He returned to the United States in 1950 and worked for a year at Maryland State College before accepting a second appointment at FAMCEE in 1951 as Director of the Division of Social Studies. Upon the college reaching university status in 1954, in the academic re-organization, Kidd consequently became the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Until 1969, he served FAMU in various capacities, including director of institutional studies and director of university administrative planning.

The material type in this collection were mainly magazines, news articles, and news clippings from 1949-19687 that followed local and national events affecting Negro people and occurrences impacting their lives. The records of this collection are especially important and informative in that they as resources that document firsthand the many historic events that occurred during the American Negro Civil Rights Years. Most of the records document the passing of school integration and public desegregation legislation, mass boycotts, sit-ins, and other forms of protest, as well as the brutal, nationwide social turbulence that accompanied this period. Additionally, a small amount of materials related to Kidd's instructional duties at FAMU are included.

Biographical data and inclusive subjects were acquired from Murell Dawson circa 2002.

System of arrangement

Members of Kidd’s family donated the records in this collection to the Black Archives in 2000. After a preliminary survey was conducted, it was discovered that the records had no original order. Thus, during the cataloging process, the records were grouped according to similarities in subject matter, material types, and material dates. The records were placed in acid-free file folders. After being appropriately labeled, the folders were put in alphabetical and numerical order and placed in acid-free boxes. A content listing was made, appropriate labels were attached, and the boxes were stored in the archival storage area.

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access


Physical access

Technical access

Conditions governing reproduction

All rights reserved. Using any part of these collections, objects, and photographs transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of MEBA is an infringement of the copyright law.

Languages of the material

  • English

Scripts of the material

    Language and script notes

    Finding aids

    Generated finding aid

    Acquisition and appraisal elements

    Custodial history

    Immediate source of acquisition

    Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information


    Related materials elements

    Existence and location of originals

    Existence and location of copies

    Related archival materials

    The record types identified in this collection included articles, news clippings, publications, correspondences, handwritten notes, greeting cards, instructional and administrative materials, and some student papers/reports.

    Related descriptions

    Notes element

    Specialized notes

    Alternative identifier(s)

    Description control element

    Rules or conventions

    Sources used

    Archivist's note

    Processing Archivist:
    Murell Dawson, Ph. D.
    February 4, 2002

    Online Publishing:
    Cariane Geffrard, IMLS Intern
    Tellicia Mitchell, IMLS Intern
    June 14, 2024

    Access points

    Subject access points

    Place access points

    Name access points

    Genre access points

    Accession area